TradeTech Europe 2025

13 - 15 May, 2025

Palais des Congrès de Paris

Danielle Fregeau

Global Equity Trader Impax Asset Management

Danielle is a Global Equity Trader, based in London. She has over seven years of experience in the industry and is currently working for Impax Asset Management on their trading desk. Danielle focuses on Best Execution and Transaction Cost Performing in her role.

Day 1 | 14th May

2:35 PM Pre-trade Models Panel: Improving pre trade analytics: What advancements are being made by vendors and buy side to improve the accuracy of TCA and pre-trade models for large high-touch orders?

During this panel you will hear from buy side traders on the challenges they face with TCA for large high touch orders. And TCA providers will talk through improvements they are making for pre-trade analytics capabilities for large multi-day trades to help clients determine expected cost of execution.

  • How can you create meaningful datasets to study high-touch trades?
  • How are TCA providers improving their capabilities to benchmark performance and predict execution costs for large, multi-day high touch trades?
  • How can you connect your TCA, data providers and internal systems to create a platform that connects data sources and shows you real-time information?
  • How are TCA providers incorporating LLMs for efficient querying?
  • What improvements need to be made in relation to the integration and connection between TCA and OMS providers to improve the dissemination of market data?

Day 2 | 15th May

10:00 AM Head of Desk & Rising Star Q&A: Putting heads of desk under the spotlight- an in-depth look at how heads of trading are structuring their desks and nurturing the next generation of leaders

Do you have a burning question for your boss that you’re too afraid to ask? Join this panel and submit your questions anonymously, either before the event in a survey that will be emailed to you, or during the session using our online platform, Slido.

Two of our Rising Star speakers from TradeTech 2024 will be joining us again to quiz heads of trading on how they are nurturing and keeping talent on their desk.

In addition to questions submitted by the audience, the rising star moderators will also pose ‘rapid-fire’ hiring dilemmas- how will the heads of desk respond?

  • What’s the secret to maintaining a high-performance desk under increasing cost pressures and volatile market conditions?
  • What’s your most successful and effective training method/ idea?
  • What advice would you give your younger self starting out on the trading desk?
  • Has your firm reversed hybrid working, if so, what have been the implications on retention of staff?
  • In your opinion, should traders be single asset specialists or multi-asset generalists?
  • During the hiring process, if you had to pick one critical skill, what would it be?

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Danielle.

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