TradeTech Europe 2025

13 - 15 May, 2025

Palais des Congrès de Paris

Jon Relleen

Director of Infrastructure & Exchanges, Supervision, Policy & Competition Financial Conduct Authority 

As Director of Infrastructure and Exchanges at the Financial Conduct Authority I cover significant aspects of the UK’s financial markets. This includes supervision, policy and competition issues with respect to trading venues and the functioning of wholesale capital markets. To support our supervision and policy work we also conduct market analysis and research, including via use of regulatory data. In addition I am part of the FCA’s senior leadership team; helping to set strategy, deliver outcomes and convey the work we are doing externally. Before joining the FCA in December 2022, I spent 24 years at the Bank of England. My career at the Bank spanned monetary policy, financial stability and market operations. I worked across a wide range of different topics, but a common thread was economic and regulatory policy work related to financial markets. My expertise straddles, macroeconomics and finance as well as practical knowledge of capital markets, investment institutions and central bank operations.

Day 1 | 14th May

9:45 AM Policymaker & Regulator Keynote Interview: Defining a fresh policy agenda- How are the latest legislative and regulatory reforms enhancing the efficiency and resiliency of financial markets and improving access to capital for SMEs?

  • What impact has the UK’s new listing rules had on the UK government’s economic growth mission?
  • How has the EU listing act package been received and has it improved access to EU capital markets?
  • How are European policymakers supporting SME’s and small cap funds, and why has there been a failure to grow this part of the economy to date?
  • What progress had been made to advance the capital markets union and the aim to make public markets more attractive to SMEs?

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Jon.

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