13 - 15 May, 2025
Palais des Congrès de Paris
ArcticDB is a database made for quantitative data science. ArcticDB addresses a critical challenge: getting quants productive with their data as quickly as possible.
With an intuitive Python API, serverless architecture, and compatibility with any object store, ArcticDB empowers users to handle complex datasets ranging from zero to petabyte scale - seamlessly. It processes billions of rows and hundreds of thousands of columns in seconds, making it ideal for the complexity and depth of data that's common in quantitative finance.
Specifically optimised for the needs of quants, ArcticDB features an instantly queryable data format, support for extremely wide cross-sectional views, evolving schema, and built-in versioning. Enabling data onboarding, exploration, and analysis with minimal friction. ArcticDB is trusted by organisations across the buy and sell side.
Getting started is simple—ArcticDB is delivered as a Python library. Just run ‘pip install arcticdb’ to get started.